One Step At A Time

I am seeing step by step progress in the areas that we discussed in the weekend report, so I am going to go right there.


This was my weekly Oil chart

WTIC WKLY 8-5 Read More

Weekend Aug 6th – Good News

And the good news is, I see quite a few bears falling asleep again. Our trading has been fantastic in 2016, especially in the beaten down Precious Metals sector, Commodities like Steel and Aluminum stocks did well, and Oil and Energy. The bears had attacked these sectors for quite a while, but now it seems that when one sector runs strongly and then gets a little tired, another one that was selling off  begins perking up. That seemingly bearish selling fades and the baby bear goes to sleep, allowing us to do some sector rotation in our trading.

This weekend we'll discuss which bears look to be calling it a day, and also review Gold, Silver, and Miners. We should discuss what happened Friday and whether it is the start of something big, or just a little noise.  lets review...


SPX - We've been watching this constructive consolidation for a while. This was the Aug 1st chart.

SPX 8-1  

SPX - The Jobs report gave it the needed boost to put any thoughts of a bearish drop to sleep for a while. The dip 3 days ago was likely a 1/2 cycle low of this daily cycle.

SPX 8-5  

Lets look at the weekly chart ...

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Friday Jobs Report

 The May and June Jobs report numbers came in very low, and  it was given an 'F' by many reviewing it.  If we get another low number this morning, it will likely be graded an 'F' too.  What if the numbers suddenly come in strong?  It's probably worth an 'F' too, for 'fudging the numbers'.  🙂


Today we'll take a look at Oil, Gold, Silver, Miners and some energy stocks that seem to be setting up bullishly.

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Aug 4th – Progress

Things still seem to be progressing along in the various sectors of the market that we have been following. Lets take a look.


SPX - This sideways move is really a bullish consolidation. As time goes by, we get deeper into the daily cycle, but this is holding up rather bullishly. On a wkly chart, it is forming a very bullish pattern.

SPX 8-3

Tuesday we saw this  back test on the NYSE, and it held and reversed higher Wednesday.

NYSE 8-2 Read More

Wednesday Aug 3

SPX - The SPX has been consolidating sideways and Tuesday it started to sell off a bit more. I mentioned that we could get a back test, but it recovered a good amount into the close.  So not a whole lot has changed here  (again).

SPX 8-2

A bit of a different look for the DOW and the NYSE  🙂

NYSE 8-2 Read More

Monday Review And Core Discussion

SPX - Not much has changed over the past several days, but consolidations often lead to strong moves.

SPX 8-1

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Strong Bulls

We've been seeing some strong Bulls running in 2016, and I dont think that the show is over yet. That is great news, lets take a look in our weekend review...


SPX - We've seen a break out to new all time highs and a sideways consolidation for weeks.

SPX 7 30 d  

SPX WKLY - Possible back test or it may just break out higher. If it just keeps going sideways and dips down into a dcl, the back test could occur then too. We'll watch it as it plays out.

SPX 7-30 w Read More

Friday Thoughts

Yes, I liked that picture so much that I decided to carry it forward to Friday.  PLUS, I'm still waiting for the recent purchases to really run strongly 🙂 .  Some of our stocks were green Thursday, even though Gold and the GDX sold off. Lets discuss our markets for a brief Friday report and then review Miners.  This is the last trading day of the week, so there is not a lot of new things to say.



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And They’re Off

Hang on, They're running again!


I 'm going to skip the general markets and get right to Oil and  Precious Metals. Why? This is a chart from yesterday, and again, nothing has changed.

SPX 7-26 Read More

July 27th – Another Fed Wednesday

Waiting on Fed Wednesday to see if there will be any special reaction is getting old  🙂


SPX - This was after Mondays trading, we could see a drop or just continue sideways.

SPX 7-25  

Not much changed , huh?

SPX 7-26 Read More