Do You Recognize The Difference?
/2 Comments/in Public /by Alex - Chart FreakReal Strength and Real Weakness.
In Humans , sometimes strength & weakness can show up as obvious, seen by outward appearance alone. In some cases, however, it may require an X-Ray to peer inside and see how the internals are doing. Its really the same with the markets. A Rally can appear strong, and yet inside it may show evidence of weakness , and visa-versa can be true too.
I know many felt that the year end 'Santa Rally ' , as it is often called at the end of the year, looked like a strong continuation of the rallies that we are used to seeing lately. Here at Chartfreak, I was mentioning to my premium readers that under the microscope, the rally looked to be weakening to me. I thought that we might actually see some rolling over and possibly even some selling into 2015. For how long? We will know soon enough, but notice what I was pointing out to my subs last week.
THE SPX was falling short in some of its 'internals'- It looked weak to me as it was breaking out. I thought it might actually roll over after breaking to new highs, like it did in September.
SPY NOW ( Broke with weakness & fell back)
To me the QQQ looked even weaker...
Read MoreIs It For Real?
/in Public /by Alex - Chart Freak( This post was written Friday a.m. Dec 26)
Have you ever seen those artists that do 'Chalk Art' along the sidewalks of public streets? They amaze me and at times you just cant believe your eyes. I find myself asking , "Is what I am looking at real?" Well lately, many are saying the same thing when they look at the Gold / Silver markets. I have been reporting since Nov 5th & Nov 7th that GOLD was putting in a meaningful low (At least a temporary one). See my Nov 5th report here -
Looking at the chart of GOLD , you can see that the Nov lows have held and this is with the $USD at new highs!
$SILVER also has shaped up nicely in the past couple of months ...
Read MoreSWINGS!
/2 Comments/in Public /by Alex - Chart FreakWhen I was a kid, I used to really love playing on the swings. Then when I grew up I found that I still love to play with the swings. ‘Market Swings’ ! They can actually be profitable to an investor or trader, because they may afford a low risk entry with potentially more […]