Nov 23 Weekend report (Sunday 5 p.m.)
Someone asked me to let them know when I'm comfortable shorting the Gold/Silver market in the next few days, especially since The $USD Popped Friday. I'm glad you asked! While there always may be some 'short term' success in a short position from day to day... I still believe that it will end badly for stubborn shorts in the next few weeks. If you have been reading my reports for the past 2 weeks then you know what my thinking has been. Not only does it remain the same, but I believe we could get an accelerated move upside after a few minor dips in the coming weeks and I would NOT want to be caught in shorts out in those waters. Let me show you why...
Recall that In this Friday Nov 7th report here - ( And the following wkend report) I called the GOLD lows Pre-Market.
( Audio link here : Nov 23 wkend report - Click the link, click "Download" then click "OPEN" & return here to follow along )
SO 2 weeks later, with those LOWS still in place, I want you to note this $GOLD / $USD CHART last May 2014 :

Once the GOLD lows were in, In MAY the dollar popped and GOLD resisted.
DID you notice that on Friday this week the $USD popped, and $GOLD went up too?
Notice also on the above chart what Going short on a reversal after the lows lead to pain. Also ...
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