March 11 Weekend Report

"Yes, there are two paths you can go by, But in the long run, There's still time to change the road you're on."

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Friday March 10th

After a quick market review, I wanted to just briefly touch on the fact that we have 'No Bounce' in the Precious Metals sector.

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March 9th – Oil Rolled Over Too

The pullback in the general markets remains orderly and rather mild. We are deep in the timing for a swing low dcl.

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March 8th –

Things are lining up as expected now, but one sector may be a little too hot to the touch for non day traders, while others may be looking forward to a fast trade or two.  Let's take a look at these markets...

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March 7th –

Let's discuss a little bit of what has happened since the weekend report.


NATGAS from the weekend report. This has been a low risk entrywhen it moved above the 10sma, but there is resistance at the 200sma. Notice how NATGAS started out slow and then rallied strongly out of Novembers lows.


There is one thing that I am considering in the NATGAS area however...

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March 3- Behind The Beauty Cracks Appear

This week we saw the Markets continue to fly higher and even Gold and Silver were making new highs. What happened to the Miners? Behind all that beauty, cracks appeared, and that is going to be the focus of the weekend report. I have a LOT to discuss, so lets get right into it.


SPX - We are very due for a dip into a dcl, but this is strong. Look for a break of the 10sma, please read the chart, I do not think that a dip will mark the top.

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March 3 – A Sour Note

I want to share just a few thoughts about the Precious Metals markets today. I've actually been doing  some extra research all week long, because as I've been saying in each report this week, things are a bit out of sync.  Some of the things that we are seeing are different from the normal activity that I usually see. Let's dig it...

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March 2 Intra-day Changes

We had a 1 day slam down in GDX & GDXJ on Monday, followed by a small, rather insignificant day on Tuesday.  Wednesday actually saw a sell off and an intra-day change to a strong reversal.  Now the question on many peoples mind is...


Did we just have a 1 day slam down, reversal , and now we go higher like we saw in 2003? Or will there be further selling?

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March 1st – Digging Deeper

After seeing the disconnect in Gold, Silver, and The Miners , I started digging in to see what I could find.  It seems that the more that I dig, the more that I am finding. We'll discuss my findings after we review the other market sectors.


SPX -  We are due to drop into a dcl soon.  The last one was very mild inside of a consolidation period and now we have a right translated daily cycle here, so I expect that we will see another higher high after our dcl.

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Feb 28th 2017 Report

The Weekend report covers the general markets and Natgas , etc just fine, so todays report has to focus mostly on the action in Gold , Silver, and Miners. Let's get right to it...

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