Jan 18 – The Road To Greater Heights

We'll discuss the theme after a quick review


There was no real change in the General Markets from the weekend report, however the USD did move as expected. In the weekend report I mentioned that I see weakness in the USD chart. It broke below the 50sma Monday. We can get a bounce in time, but I expect the USD to continue to roll over, as noted in the weekend report.

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Jan 14 – 3 Day Weekend In The US Markets

It has been a great start to 2017, with various sectors bullishly marching higher and plenty of trade ideas to profit from.  For now it is time to relax on a 3 day weekend and just review where we find ourselves after last weeks trading.


VIX - I do like certain things about the set up of the General Markets, but the VIX is about as low as it gets before the General Markets form temporary tops. I don't use the VIX to time a market top or bottom exactly, but it does often warn of volatility to come.  When the VIX hits the 11 area, we are alert to a possible top forming soon.

So let's look at the SPX ..

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Friday the 13th- A Simple Warning

There are times when we need to take note of a few cautionary signs within the markets that we are trading in. Let's take a look at a few of those signs that are popping up now.


I posted this chart of the vix as a warning sign. This is a 5 year chart and we are in an area where temporary market tops have taken place or years, so we want to be mindful of that. In the next few weeks, the markets could experience increased market volatility and toppy action.

So with that in mind...

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1-12-2017 Reach For The Stars

We are back in a Traders Paradise, as many of our stock picks are lifting off  and some  are just plain old blasting off. Let's do a market review and look at a few more bullish set ups.


SPX - Wednesdays reversal looks bullish, and after this long consolidation, we may have a mini inverse H&S followed by a break out higher. The HUGE fly in the ointment is that we have the VIX near 11.

What does the VIX at 11.30 mean? I'll show you ...

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As I was gathering charts for the report, I realized that many of the charts for Tuesday looked just like Mondays.  That means there really isn't a whole lot new to say in some sectors, so let's do our review and then discuss some stock picks.


From Monday - no Dow 20,000

No big change - Copy / Past

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January 10th – Additional Thoughts

After our normal market review, I wanted to share some additional thoughts about the Uranium Sector, since it has also been perking up and showing signs of life after a bear market sell off. I don't want this to distract anyone from our current focus and trades, but my pointing out a few things here today allows the readers some time to do a little additional research of their own if they are interested. By the end of this report, you will see why I think this could be worth bringing up.


DJIA -  No Dow 20,000 yet. This really doesn't seem to be a true magaphone topping pattern, but it is close. A flat top pattern would be bullish, so I'm watching for a break of either blue line.

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Weekend Report – Still On Track

Things are pretty much playing out as expected in the markets, and from what I am seeing in the precious metals sector, things are still on track there too. Let's take a closer look at what last weeks action brought us.


DJIA -  19999.63, are you kidding me?  🙂  A fraction away from DOW 20,000.  I feel that we likely just saw a dcl and I would expect a push to new highs soon, so DOW 20,000 should be accomplished in the near future.

There are, however, a couple of other things that I'm noticing in the general markets too.

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Don’t Get Too Cute

Fridays report is a preview of what I will be discussing in the weekend report. I want to explain why sometimes traders become victims of getting a little too cute.  Let's discuss this a little bit right now...

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Ready To Run

Todays report is simply to discuss stocks that look ready to run. Tuesday, while looking at the S&P 500, we saw a reversal. We also saw a reversal in many of the stocks that I had been eyeing, so let's take a look at the the markets and some of those stocks.


This was from yesterdays report.  It was bullish overall, because we were locking in a right translated daily cycle, but I was also expecting a dip into the daily cycle low. In the weekend report, I pointed out the 50sma as a possible target for that drop.


SPX - On Wednesday we saw follow through on the reversal.  I do not know for sure if that was the dcl, but these markets look set to go higher.

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Looks Inviting

There are areas of the markets that are looking quite inviting, so lets review the first day of trading in 2017 and see what we can find.


SPX - From the weekend report, I expected a bit more of a drop.

SPX - Good volume on the reversal, this could continue higher.

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