Learning To be Patient
MAY 30
I've been watching the Precious Metals sector again. As a short term Trader , it may be possible to trade here and there, but with the recent sideways moves and triangle formation, longer term Investors waiting for a TREND have likely been forced to learn patience. Like our little trooper in training above, self discipline will gain the bigger reward in the long run for most. The TREND.
This weekend, I hope to do less writing & More charts , so lets see whats new !!!
Does EVERYBODY that you know say that they cant wait for GOLDS seasonal Summer Lows? A "TEST" of last summers lows? I've heard it A LOT, And the C.O.T. levels this Tuesday would seem to imply the same, but I still want to look at ALL possibilities. Here are a couple of charts to start us off...
However, Lets just imagine what would happen if this occurred