Entries by Alex - Chart Freak

Learning To be Patient

MAY 30  

  I've been watching the Precious Metals sector again. As a short term Trader , it may be possible to trade here and there, but with the recent sideways moves and triangle formation, longer term Investors waiting for a TREND have likely been forced to learn patience.  Like our little trooper in training above, self discipline will gain the bigger reward in the long run for most.  The TREND.

This weekend, I hope to do less writing & More charts , so lets see whats new !!! Download your free smiley

Does EVERYBODY that you know say that  they cant wait for GOLDS seasonal Summer Lows? A "TEST" of last summers lows? I've heard it A LOT, And the C.O.T. levels this Tuesday would seem to imply the same, but I still want to look at ALL possibilities. Here are a couple of charts to start us off...




However, Lets just imagine what would happen if this occurred




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Thats Worth A Double Take

May 27  

As I speak , Gold is down $13. Is it breaking down from this triangle pattern that has formed over the past month? Quite possible-   Most have heard that a triangle pattern is a "continuation pattern" and that follow thru is in the direction that the pattern started in.    So Question is:  Was Gold moving UP or DOWN when it started the Triangle??  Many expect GOLD to continue DOWN from here, since it appears that it entered this triangle as it headed down .




FOR EX: This is what the continuation pattern looks like in action. Heading up into the triangle pattern, it broke out upside.



EVEN THOUGH GOLD is selling off now , and looks to be follow thru to the downside, I wanted to point out something that I found interesting and AT LEAST WORTH A DOUBLE TAKE


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I’m looking at $NATGAS



  I am looking at $NATGAS after its extremely bullish run up January & February.   Last week a friend of mine POLY  of The Financial Tap.com mentioned it as a possible short candidate a week ago, but I saw things a little differently . I was looking at $NATGAS close up & shared this chart,showing possible support & MACD divergence . Notice also, however, the 50sma overhead "Could" act as  possible resistance. I was obviously thinking it could be a "Long".



I've said this many times...you cant argue with the markets, you must change with them if what you think you are seeing changes. Well POLY may have been early & correct in what he was seeing. Another friend of mine, Steve Chapman of The Refined Investor also noted NATGAS as a possible short  , so I re-visited the charts and low & behold I noticed that NATGAS was rejected at the 50sma  & the RSI 50% also turned down. (See the chart below, click to enlarge) .


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Computers are painting charts?

May 22


Computers are painting the charts? I'll believe that when I see Elephants painting Elephants!  Oh wait- I HAVE seen that. So 'IF' they have hired a bunch of tech savvy students to run algorithms to "Paint the Charts" into forming Head & Shoulder patterns that break upwards and the MACD crossing down only to see prices spikes up after many go short, etc , then they're doing an AWESOME job in the P.M. markets.  I've been Bullish ,flipped to bearish , and now I'm seeing signs of bullishness again. Lets look at the charts and then review some OTHER areas of possible trades setting up too.






So far, when it comes to the expected drop , they haven't been able to sell it off. PRICE , RSI & MACD in GOLD have formed higher lows so far. A close above the 50sma is Bullish I.M.O.


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Hi , This is me  Download your free smiley   - Above you'll see a picture of a Bear.  See the difference?  I am not a bear. I just thought that I should clear that up, because after my last report I was asked , "Why are you a bear?"

Really I am not a bear when it comes to Gold & Miners, but taking things step - by - step , there was simply a little downside coming and I'm not so sure that its done yet.   I DO see both bullish and not so bullish things in the charts at the end of this week, so how about a quick review.


GDX WEEKLY -  Everybody is staring at this pattern, so I almost feel like it wont quite play out the way it seems...but here is how it is set up anyways. Inverse H&S.  For now, I must say that a weekly chart with price  UNDER THE 10WMA  struggles.  Notice what GDX did the past few weeks under the 10WMA.

And what does that Stochatics tell you?



And there is more...

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How Deep is that??

 MAY 7  (Intraday thoughts)

Lets not find out the hard way. When Gold / Miners are acting correctly , Trading can be profitable. Have you ever traded them when they get caught up in a sell off though? I mean a REAL SELL OFF? They pick up speed and start defying support levels , Moving avergaes, over sold markers, and so on. We may be starting one of those now, so I wanted to point out a few reasons why I think that that may be.


GDX DAILY -  we just lost support of the 10 & 20 sma this morning. That was my line in the sand, especially with the Stochastics overbought and the R.S.I. rejecting 50 again  (REMEMBER- THIS WAS JUST AFTER THE DOLLAR WAS GETTING CRUSHED YESTERDAY).


GDX DAILY may 7 also


I was holding JNUG, but flipped to JDST this a.m.--I believe we may see Metals / Miners accelerate in their selling - lets discuss why and look at a few POSSIBLE targets along the way.


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Thinking Out Loud

SUNDAY MAY 4  7 Charts Update on Metals/Miners


I'm still short term Bullish, long term 'Cautious'.  We have to be. The charts are shaping up nicely, but I'm always open to further lows into the Summer months. This caused me to want to look at Mostly weekly charts for this update. I want to keep commentary fairly brief and let you allow the charts to do the talking.


GDX WEEKLY- Notice how it Lost the 30WMA in the fall of 2012. It has regained and remained above it. It is something to watch. Will it hold Or will a perfect Inverse H&S form into the summer??



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APRIL 26 (Saturday Update added here)

In Trending markets, investing with a bias can be profitable.  At other times, however, like possible turning points or periods of volatility, you have to be willing to change direction FAST and Leave out any BIAS  until direction is established.  That said, lets quickly review the recent action in GDX. 

After a nice Dec to March Bull run in GDX , we got a false break out and an Impulsive drop. A tag of the 50sma & rejection (while Gold was up & $USD was down) alerted us to go short. THIS CHART shows that I thought we were in for another impulsive wave down.




THAT was April 14th, the Short was profitable.  Since then, my April 25th report (which can be read following this one) showed that GDX is possibly morphing into a long position?    I went long and here is my update of GDX from Fridays close---

Is is smooth sailing yet???Ummm.....


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UPDATE  4/23/2014 



We just had a "WATERFALL" type sell off in MARCH.  Many started HATING MINERS again.  THAT sentiment is now turning to ,  "I NEED TO BUY THIS REVERSAL OR MISS THE MOVE".    THIS is what I am watching for, this chart should be Noted.

The prior "waterfall" sell offs last Fall DIDNT get above the 9 sma more than 1 time per month.  We already saw that in April,  So if we are going to have another leg down--- IT May be time to Fasten our seat belts?   Question




From here it's easy-  as I write , we are currently right at the 9 S.M.A. , so its already  Show Time.  Can we break thru?  Or will it be held down here again?  Its definitely what I am watching.  ( Click chart to enlarge )


GDX LIVE April 23

Again...Please dont shoot the Messenger ,  I am just here trying to help people in their investing day. Best wishes to all Way To Go


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APRIL 15    Some  see a BULL, but look closely , some see 2 men arguing whether its really a Bull.  Well ,if you follow me  on Twitter  you know that for a short while now I have posted charts calling for a drop in GOLD & especially the Miners GDX/GDXJ.   I still think the GOLD Bull is alive, but even strong Bull markets experience healthy corrections to lower sentiment and kick out the weaker hands.


In calling for a drop here, I have had a few Gold Bulls say that we recently had a 'double bottom', so another drop here and the Bull could be over. I was also told we'll crash thru last Junes lows , because "There is no such thing as a double bottom"!

Well, I found something that blew my mind Giving thumbs up animated emoticon and I wanted to share it with you. PLEASE STUDY & MEMORIZE THE SHAPE OF THE GOLD (GLD) WEEKLY CHART BELOW.  FOLLOW 1-5 on the right hand side, before moving on ...(Click chart to enlarge)



The RUN UP, the TRIANGLE, the false break upward, the drop thru support, the double bottom...

-if we drop again,  MUST WE CRASH THRU JUNE 2013 LOWS?

-Is there really  "NO SUCH THING AS A TRIPLE BOTTOM"??


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