Entries by Alex - Chart Freak

Looking Ahead

                                                                 Header Photo artwork  credit to RUSH and Hugh Syme

MARCH 23, 2014   No one actually predicts with 100% accuracy what the markets will do next, but with a little help from the charts, we may gain some idea of a likely path they'll take. In the last Report the $USD "Popped" and I mentioned that it may pause when it got to the 50sma & go sideways (Chart 1), before resuming higher. So far - that is playing out (Chart 2). What could that mean...?

$USD$USD as expected

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Fast Turns

When the markets turn fast, we have to try to keep pace. Yesterday during the Fed commentary , The U.S. Dollar took a sharp turn, and Equities, Treasuries, Commodities and so on were shaking it up a bit too. Lets Start with the dollar...


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Update : CPE March 18

Buying CPE @ $6.60 has paid off rather nicely . The CPE update here http://www.chartfreak.com/2014/03/13/cpe/#more-95  showed that the set up was still bullish as it then traded near $8.00. Yesterday & Today it traded around $9...whats next...



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Two stocks appealing

I'm Still liking Rare Earth set ups( See  QRM, AVL, REE,MCP ) as mentioned in a prior post. They have "Based out" and look to be moving above( and some have finding support above) their Moving averages .

I also like some of the energy stocks like AXAS , MNGA, & a few others are starting to look good.

Let me highlight 2 stocks and why I like them.  SHLO  and MNGA

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