Entries by Alex - Chart Freak

Look – A Pile Of Dots!

Sometimes people can look at the same thing and see something different than someone else. That is understandable , since we all have different experience in life and different ways of looking at things. When looking at charts , experience and training your eyes to look for certain things  can be helpful in seeing what others may not. So is the above picture  just a random pile of dots? Or is it a runner in action? The answer may depend on your focus or how closely you look at it. Lets look at some charts...


SPX- the markets have been resisting the pullback. I posted this yesterday

SPX march 2

Is there anything noteworthy in todays chart of the SPX?...


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Whats In A Number?

Whats in a number? I dont know, but I had mentioned back in mid Feb that the NASDAQ may pullback and could even test that break out , but probably not until it tags the big round number 5000. Why? Apparently, It's just part of the game 



NASDAQ march 3

SO are we about to pullback 200 points to test the break out, or ride the 10sma again?...


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What’s On The Radar?

If you've been reading my posts here for a while, then you know that we caught some large Moves in Miners Dec through Jan rising out of their bases.  When that move topped out, we switched to Energy from the end of Jan through Feb. While OIL sold off relentlessly, many of the energy stocks were forming sweet looking bases ( please see prior reports if you are new here.   ).  With both of those sectors,  I have also kept an eye on  the SPX, NASDAQ, NATGAS, etc.    So what has caught my attention lately?

On Feb 24 -  I called a likely temporary bottom in Gold using the charts below.

GOLD is in a squeeze with spikes along the bottom. This is a bullish set up


This next chart showed that  GOLD was  on a supporting trend line...


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Lets Wrap It Up!

Since I have 32 charts in this wkend report, lets just get right to  the weekend wrap up and discuss future possibilities, shall we?

Feb 25 - I felt that the NASDAQ  is close to a 'rest' here or near 5000, and then pull back.

NAZ Feb 25

Does that mean it's done and going to fall apart, or just a small pullback, maybe even sideways move ?...


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If you've been reading here at Chartfreak for any period of time, you know that I really do try to listen to what the charts are telling me and leave any 'bias' out of the equation. We dont fall in love with certain ideas or stocks, we dont look at all things through rose colored glasses,  and this helps us to  remain flexible.  With that in mind, I wrote a mid-day  update yesterday alerting my readers to some changes I was seeing. Lets examine what changed and what else we may see changing soon.  I posted this chart of GOLD -

GOLD broke out of a downtrend that I had been watching . I said that I became a buyer of Miners...



This doesnt indicate a long term trade is guaranteed, so let me point out a couple of reasons why it may or may not be...


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Looking For SIGNS

Janet Yellen will be speaking over the next 2 days and everyone is looking for signs.  Signs that an interest rate hike may be coming and what that may mean for the markets.  So far most things seem to be business as usual.  On FEB 12, with the recent break to new highs in the Nadsdaq (and then the DJIA and SPX) after such a long consolidation, I thought that we could get a melt up higher. A normal  test of the break out also cannot be ruled out. I also called out a target of 5241 over time.



Lets look at what OIL & NATGAS have been doing...

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