Entries by Alex - Chart Freak

Thursday March 28 – The Balancing Act

With the current market set ups, we have seen some choppiness.  I raised my stops and got stopped out of a few positions, and I may just strike that balance between cash & positions until things settle down a bit.  Let's take a look at the markets.



SPX - The SPX lost the 10sma again and the MACD crossed down, and this would normally look a bit more bearish than bullish . Last week I took a position in the SOXS, but I'm going to show you why I decided to close it for now.


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March 26th – What Time Is It?

Today I want to discuss the Precious Metals in more detail.  This weekends report covered it extensively, but I think that a part 2 would be helpful too, so this report is going to be mainly be focusing on the Precious Metals Timing.


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Friday March 22 – Refresh

Yesterday I discussed 2 things:

1.  A Post Fed Reaction into the close Wednesday,  that may or may not be just a 'knee-jerk' reaction, and

2.  The next day where you can get follow through or another reaction.  Today I want to take a look at a few sectors and see what we got.  This is Friday,  the last trading day of the week...

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March 21st- Post Fed Observations

Last year it seemed like we were hearing about 4 Rate Hikes in 2018 and 3 or 4 more possible in 2019.  Wednesday  Fed Chairman Powell said that the US Economy is doing well, and no rate hikes should be expected in 2019.  So now we will take a look at what happened to the markets after the Fed Decision and his speech, and then we face the question...

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The Markets Building Blocks

Today is the FOMC Meeting , and even when the markets get a feel for what is going to take place, we often see periods of high volatility around the time of that decision, into the close, and possibly even into the next day.  Let's just discuss the current market set ups...


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March 15th – Watch For ‘Cracks’

Financial market movements can be erratic on days when options and futures contracts expire, especially on Triple Witching Friday.  Today is that day. Along with that,  I want to point out a couple of 'Cracks' that may be appearing in various parts of the Markets. When cracks begin to show up, it is good to take note and use a little more caution, because the strength of what is supporting things may give way. Let's take a look...



SPX -  The SPX is at resistance, as mentioned in prior reports.  I also said that it could get choppy from here...


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