Do You Recognize The Difference?
Real Strength and Real Weakness.
In Humans , sometimes strength & weakness can show up as obvious, seen by outward appearance alone. In some cases, however, it may require an X-Ray to peer inside and see how the internals are doing. Its really the same with the markets. A Rally can appear strong, and yet inside it may show evidence of weakness , and visa-versa can be true too.
I know many felt that the year end 'Santa Rally ' , as it is often called at the end of the year, looked like a strong continuation of the rallies that we are used to seeing lately. Here at Chartfreak, I was mentioning to my premium readers that under the microscope, the rally looked to be weakening to me. I thought that we might actually see some rolling over and possibly even some selling into 2015. For how long? We will know soon enough, but notice what I was pointing out to my subs last week.
THE SPX was falling short in some of its 'internals'- It looked weak to me as it was breaking out. I thought it might actually roll over after breaking to new highs, like it did in September.

SPY NOW ( Broke with weakness & fell back)