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A quick look at the markets and a brief discussion on shopping
On Sept 22 - I said that I was looking for a possible 'Test' of the break down and then a drop.
SPX - Reversal candle. Maybe that 'Test' comes now.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2015-09-25 03:16:472015-09-25 11:06:54Can We Go Shopping?Whenever we get mixed signals in the markets, it may take time to allow things to clear up. We are seeing that with the divergence between Metals and Miners right now, but until time resolves the differences, we can also look for clues. We'll do that here, but first lets review a few other sectors.
NASDAQ - We got the back test that we expected and then the drop back down. I expect the Aug lows to be tested or broken, but you can see that volatility has kept things from being a smooth move. We may bounce around inside this down channel too.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2015-09-24 03:51:592015-09-24 03:51:59Clear As MudWe are still keeping an eye out for various signs in these markets. Lets take a look...
TRAN - I posted this wdge as a warning in Monday nights report
TRAN - There was some follow through.
The selling was not on very heavy volume, so I am starting to think this move is going to drive longs and shorts crazy, here is why -
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2015-09-23 11:45:182015-09-23 14:58:23Watching
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