Things Are Popping

As expected , the Fed Mtg Wednesday caused  several areas of the market to really start popping. There is so much to cover this weekend, so lets get right to the  (29!)  charts...


Starting with IWC - As pointed out over the past several weeks, This is a bullish looking set up


Another Bullish looking set up is he following chart...

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If you were watching the markets yesterday, then you may have seen something quite interesting from about 2 P.M. onward as the  FED information was released.  It looked like this at a casual glance....


The $USD  completely wiped out  any gains from Jan 22 onward in very short order. Oh these fickle markets ...

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Waiting On The Fed Again

It's Wednesday and again the FED seems to be adding uncertainty and volatility to the various markets. Lets look at some charts, not too much has changed since yesterdays report.


QQQ March 16

QQQ march 16

Here is a different view and how things progressed yesterday, March 17...

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