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We do! 120% in 4 days.
And though they are rarely seen on a regular basis in the markets, we have been spotting them left and right , even before the raise their heads to look around.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2016-07-06 10:54:162016-07-06 11:39:36Who Likes Giraffes?The past few weeks have seen huge gains %-wise in the Chartfreak Gold & Silver Miner picks. I've been reading that other letters have avoided the sector due to the C.O.T. What a shame, we discussed the C.O.T. here too, but didn't accept it as utterly bearish. I'll discuss that again this week. Lets start with a look at a couple of the recent explosive moves in Miners for example.
TRX- I bought and have been discussing the bullishness in TRX for weeks. I will discuss it further later in the report, since it has broken out with a bullish surge higher.
XRA - This also burst higher after a 2+ month consolidation of prior gains.
AUMN, VGZ, MUX, TGD, and many others mentioned in the reports over the past few weeks are surging higher. AUMN gained 50+ %last week alone.
After a market review, I'll discuss what I think will be the next opportunities in this sector, and what to look for in Gold, Silver , and Miners going forward.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2016-07-04 14:32:162016-07-04 14:32:16July 3- Flying On TargetFriday is the last trading day before we enter ( in the U.S.) a 3 day weekend. Markets are closed in the U.S. on Monday, so please keep that in mind when deciding whether you want to buy, sell, or hold. Lets do a quick market review, and then I wanted to go through some lessons pertaining to our positions in Miners. 🙂 In the general markets, something that could turn out to be very bullish happened in the markets today.
DJIA- This was my chart from yesterday pointing out a possible shake out with the Brexit vote. I labeled this SPX, but it was DJIA. They both had the same reaction.

Notice what happened Thursday...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2016-07-01 03:48:312016-07-01 03:50:05June 30 – Lessons
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