April 1 – Jobs

The Jobs report was released and I dont really see anything that I didn't expect at this point. Since it is the last trading day of the week, I'm just here to do a quick review.


SPX -  This was the chart in the Thursday report. I expected a pullback with that toppy candle Wednesday. It may not be a huge pullback, I do expect another run higher in the next daily cycle.

SPX 3-30 Read More

Wednesday March 30 report

The various sectors of the markets have been a bit tricky to identify strength-wise in the short term. I'll show you what I mean...


SPX - With this set up,  I wondered if we saw an   Early dcl.  We had the trend line break and a move below the 10sma. If THAT shallow pull back is all we got, this little rally could become quite the threat moving higher.

SPX 3-29


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She Said What?

I heard that Janet Yellen had lunch on Tuesday and spoke quite a bit about...never mind, lets just say that she spoke quite a bit.

Some things that I heard seemed to contradict other things that she said, but we see from the moves mid day onward,  the markets received it positively.  There are some very interesting developments...

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