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It looks like a gift so far, but until it is unwrapped, we really cant be sure. One thing stands true though, I dont want to be ungrateful if it is.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2016-09-08 12:24:052016-09-08 12:56:27Is That A Gift?We have a good amount of volatility shaking things up, so we want to have a plan and a back up plan. Lets review...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2016-09-07 11:16:012016-09-07 12:26:33Back Up PlansKnowing that my readers are both short term traders and longer term investors, I want to always look at the charts and view them with a long term, medium term, and short term perceptive. At times all 3 views are sunny or all are murky, but in times like these, I also get a mixed bag. Lets review the charts and you will see some good and some questionable things in various sectors. This can help to sort out our short term and longer term investments.
Back before Aug 26th and on this Aug 26th chart, I mentioned that we could see price continue sideways until it tags the 50sma, or maybe even break it in shake out fashion.

SPX - Each sell off is met with buying reversals, so this reversal with the Jobs Report "might" be enough to put in the daily cycle low. If so, this should break out & continue higher, instead of more of this 2 month choppiness.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2016-09-04 03:18:072016-09-04 03:18:07Sept 3 – WEEKEND REPORT
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