Starting Gun

This weekend report will be slightly different from past weekend reports.   I usually like to cover "Everything" in my weekend reports. I want this report to focus more on what I think could be important at this moment, and less on everything else. We will discuss the meaning of the Starting Gun too, but if you've been here for a while, I would imagine that you know exactly what I am talking about.


SPX - Less important right now to my current trading. See Fridays report for thoughts on the SPX.

SPX 4-9 Read More

Friday April 8

Lets review a few things on this final day of the trading week

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April 7, 2016 – Signs Of Strength

Signs of strength are popping up everywhere...


April 4th - I've been expecting a dip down to a dcl.

SPX 4-4

We had the Fed Minutes released today and the SPX ( or markets in general ) is NOT breaking down. These markets are not breaking down at the 13 sma, and they look like they still want higher prices. Is this just going to go sideways as a consolidation?

  SPX 4-6

Consider this too...

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