March 17th Weekend Report- Thinking Out Loud

Let's go over the markets and see what may or may not have changed with the Fed Rate Hike this week.  🙂


This was my MARCH 10th SPX chart- I expected the general markets to drop back a bit more on the pull back, and then to put in another run higher. It would then be in the timing to roll over into an ICL as shown.

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Friday 3-17-2017 TRADES

The markets have not changed very much from the Thursday report, and I'll be discussing the bigger picture in the weekend report, so today after a brief GOLD & MINERS discussion, I want to just discuss a few trades.

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Post Fed Explosions

We got a Fed rate decision, and we got some Fed Decision follow through. It clears things up in the short tern time frame and makes it easier to see what is going on,. Let's see what Wednesday brought our way.


SPX  March 9 -  I was looking for a shallow DCL The RSI started curling upward while price was dropping...

SPX MARCH 10 - A swing formed and the dcl was due and likely in place.

Now we have a confirmed DCL, as seen here

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