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...CONTINUED PART 2 - I just spent 3 hrs writing part 2 and lost it when my laptop shut down & auto installed updates! Deep inside I actually feel down-hearted & though I'm pretty mild tempered, I am feeling a little of this
right now. ARGH!
I have to start over ( Thankfully all the charts are saved, just the Writing , explaining, & organizing of this report remains). Unfortunately I have less time, so Its likely going to be a little more hurried.
I simply started by mentioning that in Part 1 of this report and in my past 2 report, all of the strong action displayed by the stocks discussed (see the report GIANTS AMONG US) happened, not while the NASDAQ, QQQ, SPX, RUT, IWM , etc were rocketing higher, but while they were going sideways. Those stocks have been exploding on Good Earnings Reports. I also pointed out that SPX, DJIA , RUT, IWM are at all time highs, but the Nasdaq isnt...(YET). If it is trying to play catch up here...I have to wonder if it'll just continue on this somewhat parabolic path?
Anyways , I wanted to review some more of those LONG BASE SET UPS that are breaking out and also a few other set ups.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-09-15 00:05:432014-12-02 00:17:33…Continued Part 2 – REFLECTIONSWEEKEND UPDATE SEPT 13, 2014 I wanted to just go back over the ideas / trades that I have been posting in the past few weeks. Most have had great success really, some obviously more than others, (Yes a few failed & broke down , namely WEAT, CORN, DBA & GDXJ but we weren't buying those yet until they proved themselves- and they tanked). By examining past trades & thinking, and re-examining what the "Set up" was that lead to those gains, we benefit. How? As I wrote in the last 2 reports entitled 'GIANTS AMONG US' and 'TRADERS PARADISE' - these set ups are still forming and even trades already mentioned and future ones that I will point out are still valid. The "traders Paradise" does not appear to be over. I have gone over tons of charts this a.m. and I know in advance that this will be my longest report to date, so I am going to try to be 'brief in words' and 'long in charts'. Feel free to ask questions in the 'comments' section if my brevity leaves out something you need to know. SO LETS REVIEW...To The Charts!!!
I got a Tweet asking , Why didn't you cover Gold stocks in UR last report...
Here is why , I last posted this in August ...
Did it Fail at the "Test" of the 50sma as mentioned? Yes...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-09-13 14:27:412014-12-02 00:17:33REFLECTIONSFriday Sept 12, 2014 - It is a traders Paradise out there! There are so many proper looking "Set ups" and what can be considered 'Low Risk Entries', that its hard to choose where to allocate funds and how long to stay in the trade. Of course, we always want to be aware of the general market conditions and stay alert, because a strong correction will draw down even the best companies, but as I showed in my last report...the markets have been acting correctly in this long uptrend, and there are great trades and even many Giants to be born after each pullback. This week , every morning the futures are red, and by the days end, buyers reverse that, so we are currently going sideways , consolidating gains, while many stocks break out & run higher. For the sake of time, I am just going to show a few nice trade set ups, then I may briefly follow up with some of my other trade ideas from past reports.
Record sales reported for RADNET.
More charts....
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-09-12 09:32:242014-12-02 00:17:33Traders ParadiseSeptember 8 , 2014 There are Giants among us indeed. Have you seen any? In my last report I mentioned a few (see DGLY, JRJC,HGSH, etc) and today (Now Tonight- I tried to finish this report Earlier today, but it didnt happen) That question remains even more valid, they are popping up more & more. As you will see, the question is not only "Have you seen any Giants?" but "Can I catch a Giant?". It is absolutely a traders paradise out there. Before we get to that, let me discuss the Markets . These charts are from this weekend when I intended to write this, and since most are long term charts, I will still use them- nothing has changed.
Originally I wanted to point out that as these markets break to new highs, they also simply consolidate, pullback , run higher...basically "Do their thing" in an uptrend. Nothing really too unusual thus far, but within these markets, some equities are growing up in a GIANT way. Beaten down stocks with Strong earnings are taking off like Rockets on the launch pad. It makes me wonder, are we going to just see a blow off parabola , irrational exuberance stage in the markets eventually too? I cant tell here yet, notice here how the markets themselves just seem to be acting normally.
And on this chart of the SPX , each pullback so far...despite Geopolitical concerns , The Fed, Dragi and so on, are normal retracements in an uptrend...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-09-09 00:49:192014-12-02 00:17:33Giants Among UsSEPT 2, 2014 Many equities were breaking from good bases this summer and some of these equities mentioned in the last report are STILL running fast! Look at charts of HGSH & DGLY for example. These types of runs leave most behind because you just cant jump into a stock that has run up 100- 500% without risking losing your shirt. You can set up a watchlist and look to possible buy retracements later (Patience is required here, but it is important to wait for a lower risk set up). In my last report, I also mentioned that I had various watch lists with similar set ups to those already running strong, but before they broke out. It is best to know when they have earnings reports coming out and watch how they respond AFTER the release. One such stock mentioned last week was RALY. Earnings were due, will it RALLY? It was at $9.80 & had a bullish pattern that looked like this ...
Next Chart: Earnings were released on Thursday Aug 28 , and Friday it looked like this as a possible ISLAND BOTTOM...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-09-02 09:55:442014-12-02 00:17:33Still Running FASTAUG 25, 2014 Oh, I'm sorry, those are crazy small cats in the picture, but have you seen some of the CRAZY SMALL CAPS? Rather explosive moves have been occurring in many small caps like LEJU, JRJC, HGSH, DGLY, KNDI, MOBI, DANG, after experiencing rather steep sell offs. As mentioned in my last report, I have been very busy this August, so while I did catch a couple of these baby rocket-ships early on due to their "Set ups" (Leju & JRJC) ...I also have been forced to sell way too soon. JRJC was sold at $8 for example, and They are still running nicely. They have left me behind after I sold them. The point that I am making here, however, is that certain 'set ups' after a steep sell off can indicate a possible explosive move is coming and those were just a few examples. IF THERE ARE MORE currently setting up that have not exploded upwards yet...there may be opportunity for more Low Risk Entries prior to a nice POP (I cant re-enter the above mentioned unless they pullback).
First lets review a few things in various Markets...
When the markets sell off, you hear all kinds of warnings, but it has been buying opportunities as the selling became overdone.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-08-25 09:13:452014-12-02 00:17:33HAVE YOU SEEN THESE CRAZY SMALL CAPSAUG 13, 2014 History and rumor has it that in summer month of AUGUST the Markets are as slow as a Turtle ! Believing this to be true, I signed up to do some charity work that will take up much of my spare time during this month. I figured that during this 'low volume, Slow summer month", when Congress leaves Washington and Fund Managers all go on vacation, I too could take a break & would keep busy with other pursuits and post occasionally when things present themselves. SURPRISE!! We have faster Turtles this Aug. The Markets seem pretty active, with a correction as July Ended, so lets just look at a few things.
IWM ( & RUT) had warning signs of a double top
Lately this has been a buying opportunity , as the "Buy The Dips, Sell The Rips" mantra has proven effective. What about now? How do the Nasdaq and the $SPX currently look ?
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-08-13 09:08:512014-12-02 00:17:33Faster Turtles?AUG 5 12 Eastern time - I just wanted to quickly review my expectations. Things look normal in the Metals and Miners at first glance, but are they really just Normal? Or are there other things to consider? I'll show you what I expect short term, but I am also seeing something else in the bigger picture. To the charts!
GLD looks like a normal re-trace & Gap fill.
As mentioned in Yesterdays report - With the descending wedge and oversold conditions, I would expect a break higher soon.
What about Silver? It looks like its selling off harder than Gold today, so Lets look at a few more charts ...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-08-05 13:34:032014-12-02 00:17:33Just A Short ReviewAugust 4 2014 - Well, after looking at the weekly charts of Metals, Miners and the $USD...I would say that the Good News is that we can expect a Bounce In $Gold & Miners short term, but does that mean there's Bad News Too? To the Charts!
The $USD has had a nice run, it is a bit extended now.
Using both daily cycles timing and Tech Analysis, I think it is due for a rest.
You can also see from that chart above in the middle column that a wedge has formed in what does this indicate?
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-08-04 02:17:062014-12-02 00:17:33The Good News FirstAUG 1 2014 - First off , There has been a lot going daily this week in my personal life, my friends son was in a severe accident and a few other things have kept me busy, so I have not been in front of the screen as much as usual this week. That said, I haven't Tweeted & Posted as often as usual so I wanted to Quickly just throw out some brief Charts & Thoughts since it got a little CRAZY after the Fed Mtg.
SPX - It was DUE for a pullback using cycles and Technical analysis, but you can never tell how much or how fast. This COULD get serious - but as I mentioned, there were signs that it was coming. The VIX, $CPCE, Internals , and of course PRICE PATTERNS showed we were due. See the daily & weekly below.
SPX WEELY - Overbought RSI WEEKLY & it hit the Top of the channel
The SPX DAILY also showed that it was ready for a pullback (Note the Rising Wedge - MACD , RSI, and Orange arrow) ...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-08-01 09:21:412014-12-02 00:17:33MIXED SIGNALS
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