Traders Paradise
/9 Comments/in Public, Uncategorized /by Alex - Chart FreakFriday Sept 12, 2014 - It is a traders Paradise out there! There are so many proper looking "Set ups" and what can be considered 'Low Risk Entries', that its hard to choose where to allocate funds and how long to stay in the trade. Of course, we always want to be aware of the general market conditions and stay alert, because a strong correction will draw down even the best companies, but as I showed in my last report...the markets have been acting correctly in this long uptrend, and there are great trades and even many Giants to be born after each pullback. This week , every morning the futures are red, and by the days end, buyers reverse that, so we are currently going sideways , consolidating gains, while many stocks break out & run higher. For the sake of time, I am just going to show a few nice trade set ups, then I may briefly follow up with some of my other trade ideas from past reports.
Record sales reported for RADNET.
More charts....
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Giants Among Us
/14 Comments/in Public, Uncategorized /by Alex - Chart FreakSeptember 8 , 2014 There are Giants among us indeed. Have you seen any? In my last report I mentioned a few (see DGLY, JRJC,HGSH, etc) and today (Now Tonight- I tried to finish this report Earlier today, but it didnt happen) That question remains even more valid, they are popping up more & more. As you will see, the question is not only "Have you seen any Giants?" but "Can I catch a Giant?". It is absolutely a traders paradise out there. Before we get to that, let me discuss the Markets . These charts are from this weekend when I intended to write this, and since most are long term charts, I will still use them- nothing has changed.
Originally I wanted to point out that as these markets break to new highs, they also simply consolidate, pullback , run higher...basically "Do their thing" in an uptrend. Nothing really too unusual thus far, but within these markets, some equities are growing up in a GIANT way. Beaten down stocks with Strong earnings are taking off like Rockets on the launch pad. It makes me wonder, are we going to just see a blow off parabola , irrational exuberance stage in the markets eventually too? I cant tell here yet, notice here how the markets themselves just seem to be acting normally.
And on this chart of the SPX , each pullback so far...despite Geopolitical concerns , The Fed, Dragi and so on, are normal retracements in an uptrend...
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Still Running FAST
/5 Comments/in Public, Uncategorized /by Alex - Chart FreakSEPT 2, 2014 Many equities were breaking from good bases this summer and some of these equities mentioned in the last report are STILL running fast! Look at charts of HGSH & DGLY for example. These types of runs leave most behind because you just cant jump into a stock that has run up 100- 500% without risking losing your shirt. You can set up a watchlist and look to possible buy retracements later (Patience is required here, but it is important to wait for a lower risk set up). In my last report, I also mentioned that I had various watch lists with similar set ups to those already running strong, but before they broke out. It is best to know when they have earnings reports coming out and watch how they respond AFTER the release. One such stock mentioned last week was RALY. Earnings were due, will it RALLY? It was at $9.80 & had a bullish pattern that looked like this ...
Next Chart: Earnings were released on Thursday Aug 28 , and Friday it looked like this as a possible ISLAND BOTTOM...
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