What Has Payed Off Best In A Bull Market?
/4 Comments/in Public, Uncategorized /by Alex - Chart FreakTuesday Sept 16 , 2014 There was a time that I HATED pullbacks in the Markets. Many years ago I thought something might be wrong when Markets sold off. CNBC would tell me that it was because of "THIS" and "THAT" , and there was no end in sight to "THOSE THINGS". I worried that the sell offs would gain momentum and people would panic out leaving me with losses. Come to think of it, back then it did kind of work that way, but thats mainly because of WHEN I bought, and DIDNT SELL. 15 years later , and in this recent Bull Market, I love the Pull backs. They have been great buying opportunities, and while the Bull Market can end at any time (and you'll need to reassess and change your strategy then) for the past few years, "BUY THE DIPS" has been the best way to make $$. If you've been watching stocks rip higher and Higher day after day and then jumped in after they've been up 5 days in a row - you realize that 'BUY THE DIPS, SELL THE RIPS' is a good strategy.
As a reminder, I posted a chart last SEPT 5th of the SPX, showing what I watch for. Here is an Updated one . Notice we repeatedly run up, often go sideways, then dip...often to the 50sma or 125 in bigger corrections. Where are we now ?
There is one thing that may be of concern. The FED is discussing possibly raising rates sooner then later and how will the MKT perceive that? Notice in the above chart that the SPX has basically gone straight up lately....
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…Continued Part 2 – REFLECTIONS
/5 Comments/in Public, Uncategorized /by Alex - Chart Freak...CONTINUED PART 2 - I just spent 3 hrs writing part 2 and lost it when my laptop shut down & auto installed updates! Deep inside I actually feel down-hearted & though I'm pretty mild tempered, I am feeling a little of this right now. ARGH!
I have to start over ( Thankfully all the charts are saved, just the Writing , explaining, & organizing of this report remains). Unfortunately I have less time, so Its likely going to be a little more hurried.
I simply started by mentioning that in Part 1 of this report and in my past 2 report, all of the strong action displayed by the stocks discussed (see the report GIANTS AMONG US) happened, not while the NASDAQ, QQQ, SPX, RUT, IWM , etc were rocketing higher, but while they were going sideways. Those stocks have been exploding on Good Earnings Reports. I also pointed out that SPX, DJIA , RUT, IWM are at all time highs, but the Nasdaq isnt...(YET). If it is trying to play catch up here...I have to wonder if it'll just continue on this somewhat parabolic path?
Anyways , I wanted to review some more of those LONG BASE SET UPS that are breaking out and also a few other set ups.
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/13 Comments/in Public, Uncategorized /by Alex - Chart FreakWEEKEND UPDATE SEPT 13, 2014 I wanted to just go back over the ideas / trades that I have been posting in the past few weeks. Most have had great success really, some obviously more than others, (Yes a few failed & broke down , namely WEAT, CORN, DBA & GDXJ but we weren't buying those yet until they proved themselves- and they tanked). By examining past trades & thinking, and re-examining what the "Set up" was that lead to those gains, we benefit. How? As I wrote in the last 2 reports entitled 'GIANTS AMONG US' and 'TRADERS PARADISE' - these set ups are still forming and even trades already mentioned and future ones that I will point out are still valid. The "traders Paradise" does not appear to be over. I have gone over tons of charts this a.m. and I know in advance that this will be my longest report to date, so I am going to try to be 'brief in words' and 'long in charts'. Feel free to ask questions in the 'comments' section if my brevity leaves out something you need to know. SO LETS REVIEW...To The Charts!!!
I got a Tweet asking , Why didn't you cover Gold stocks in UR last report...
Here is why , I last posted this in August ...
Did it Fail at the "Test" of the 50sma as mentioned? Yes...
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