September 20 – What’s Happening With Gold?

I have a core position in Miners that I started early in 2016. As a trader, I have sold most of my shorter term trading positions and I am waiting for the fat pitch to reload. Are we there or is there further selling likely? I believe that we are very close to another run higher in the Precious Metals sector, but we also have the Fed Mtg on Wednesday that could affect things short term. Are there any clues pertaining to short term direction?  Please read on...

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Did You Buy That Dip?

At Chartfreak, we were anticipating that a higher low in Oil would prove to be an exceptional buying opportunity after  the recent summer sell off.  Cycle timing was telling us that it was 'time' for a low to develop, so we began monitoring the charts using technical analysis and cycle timing.  Did you buy that dip at the right time? Let me show you what we were watching using actual charts from our August reports.  You can ask yourself, if I was a chartfreak member, would this may have helped me with my investing in this sector?


WTIC AUG 3 - Anticipating the coming low, I used this chart to start with. We had a 50% retrace and some Energy stocks were beginning to look Bullish too. I encouraged readers not to buy until we get a break above the tight downtrend.

WTIC 8-3 Read More

Gold Core Positions and Miners

 Gold Core Positions and Miners


Note: This post is an except from a nightly member only report.


SPX - Not much has changed over the past several days, but consolidations often lead to strong moves.

SPX 8-1

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