Looking Below The Surface

Oct 24,2014        At times, things arent always as they appear on the surface.  You may have to dig a little deeper to find out whats really there. Thats what I am attempting to do in the Precious metals mkts. Yesterday about an hour into trading I was watching Miners break down to new lows. Again the message boards lit up with "New Lows, that means we are going a lot lower" and "Going short here, much lower prices ahead".  For me, something hasn't "Felt" right about that, so I knew that I had to dig deeper and see if I could reconcile the problem that I was having. The problem goes back to a prior report  where I pointed out that I was getting signals for a "Meaningful Low" in Gold (An ICL).  In fact,  since that report, GOLD has been acting correctly, running up to the 50sma and stalled just like MAY LOWS, but the MINERS have NOT been keeping up. NOTICE that GOLD Lows here have been like the TWIN of MAYs Meaningful  LOWS (ICL). So to me...LOWS IN GOLD WERE IN.   AUDIO click here / then click  'download' / click 'open' & then come back to this page when you hear the report to follow the charts   $GOLD   The problem with everyone going short yesterday was what I had noted in other reports too...   Read More

A Closer Look

OCT 22, 2014  Lets just take a closer look at a few Market details from here... (Apologies, Audio will be back soon)   $GOLD looks so much like those meaningful MAY lows to me. Runs up, tags the 50sma , slam down Then recover. SO I would expect the slam down today.   GOLD OCT 21   Interestingly, GDX looks much more like the meaningful lows in DEC   Read More

Low Risk & Higher Risk

October 20, 2014  There comes a point in every trade where (Hopefully) you get a low risk entry, and then as time moves forward, it becomes a little higher risk to enter, or even higher risk to just hold your current position. We may not be there yet  (As I start writing, futures are up nicely) , but what I am seeing leads me to believe that the Markets MIGHT just be in a bounce and MIGHT make lower lows at some point. I looked at TONS of charts this weekend, and the reversal that most of us bought was indeed a trade-able reversal, but what Now? Lets look at MANY CHARTS and try to get an idea of what is happening.  I will say that at this point ,  anything can happen...its not super clear, and that alone means we are at a slightly higher risk area. I can make the case that Markets could be on the way to making new highs, I can make the case that markets likely will make new lows. Actually Much of it depends on ...    (I apologize, no audio today - sore throat and cracky voice)  : (   The $USD...  Oct 14 - Very strong, but overdone--I was looking for a drop to the 84 area $USD OCT 14   And we have dropped as expected, but theres room for more downside I.M.O.   Read More