Groundhog Day

I feel like I'm living in that movie Groundhog Day, where you wake up and though some things continue to change, its just a repeat of yesterdays events.  The equity markets moved a bit , but its the same old movement, and leaves me with the same conclusion.  As for GOLD & Miners,  NATGAS, and Oil? I am expecting changed  that I will discuss  here.

First lets look at the SPX as of yesterdays close


You can see that we are getting the same movement as expected and ...

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So Much Going On, It’s Hard To Know Where To Start – Dizzying!

I've started this report a few times and there is so much going on, that I found it difficult to explain everything that I see, so I'm just going to cut to the chase and try to show basically what I am observing in various markets and what the possible implications could be.  Lets start again with the general markets.  SPX, QQQ, DJIA in JANUARY are still unfolding  as I thought they would way  back when I posted this  in DEC. I saw weakness increasing

SPX dec 28

Our expected sideways consolidation continues before a directional move takes hold. We look for weakness or signs of strength going forward,  to see if this is going to resume as bullish or bearish  (short?)  Here is what I'm seeing...

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Friday- Option Expiration And Rotten Fruitage

Its option expiration and often we get a large push of volume . The markets are looking  more and more like they are heading in the direction that I have been calling for.

I pointed this out on Jan 6


It has followed that exact path and this is what I am thinking going forward...

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