Abnormal Cycles Part 2

Part 2 of this mornings Gold report. I'll start with 2 charts that I pointed out  recently in premium reports and in the public post yesterday, indicating some bullishness in the miners...

ABX 9-30

Sept 30 -  GDX buy above the blue line and confirmation above the green dotted line .  We are currently seeing that today  ( we need to close that way)

GDX vs GLD 9-30

Why was this important? Using only Cycles, the volatile  movement in Gold and the Miners was causing concern and looked ready to fail.  While using some of the indicators that I have developed to monitor internals at the lows,  I was still seeing bullishness in a number of ways and technical analysis was also leaning toward bullishness, as seen above. I dug a little deeper to try to reconcile the differences and came up with this...

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Abnormal Cycles

This report will only cover Gold, Silver, and Miners

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Got Pain?

The market volatility has been whip sawing people left and right. What used to look like the perfect set up falls apart in just a day or two, so having  'stops' in place has been very important. Lets take a look at the markets and then review some very interesting things that took place in the Metals and Miners area today.


SPX-  This bounce was expected.

SPX 9-30 Read More