Turning Points

I've been seeing differences between my long term view and my short term view for the markets. This could be indicating that we are seeing turning points. Lets discuss why that could be.

SPX -  I've been seeing this longer term. It looks like the markets are acting rather toppy.  Monthly charts are now showing weakness quite clearly as well.


Now looking at things from an even  longer term view...

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The Big Picture

Lets review last weeks market action by stepping back and looking at the bigger picture.


SPX - This long consolidation has left price right where it was in Jan.  The MACD is dropping steadily on the weekly. This is a reversal candle so we may see a bounce this week. 

SPX WKLY 8-14 Read More

Shaken, Not Stirred

Thursday saw Gold sell off a bit, but Miners were really shaken.   Both GDX and GDXJ were down almost 6% .  We were buyers last Friday and  Monday, so should we be stirred by this selling?  I do not think so. We will honer our stops if necessary, but lets check the charts for confirmation.

$GOLD - a pullback to the 10 & 20 sma as support is normal.

GOLD 8-13 Read More