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The environment for trading in 2016 has been excellent for traders and investors that knew where to look. If you have been a subscriber since January, then you have seen so many trade ideas blossom and grow. We have been finding various sectors that had bullish set ups that many were actually afraid to trade in. Coming out of their lows, the potential has been tremendous if you know what to look for.
For example, just look at this one stock.
MUX - Whether you traded it, or bought and held when it was recommended, it is up over 100% from its lows.

Lets look at a number of current trade set ups with conditions that favor the upside...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2016-04-11 13:22:382016-04-11 13:22:38Pieces Of The Puzzle For growthThis weekend report will be slightly different from past weekend reports. I usually like to cover "Everything" in my weekend reports. I want this report to focus more on what I think could be important at this moment, and less on everything else. We will discuss the meaning of the Starting Gun too, but if you've been here for a while, I would imagine that you know exactly what I am talking about.
SPX - Less important right now to my current trading. See Fridays report for thoughts on the SPX.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2016-04-10 23:49:432016-04-10 23:53:41Starting GunLets review a few things on this final day of the trading week
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2016-04-08 12:27:472016-04-08 12:35:34Friday April 8
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