4-6-2016 FED Again

By the end of the day,  we'll all be well Fed.  The Fed minutes are released today. Will the markets react?  We shall soon see.


SPX -  April 1 - Expecting a pull back

SPX 4-1

SPX  April 5-  We are getting a pull back and finally breaking below the 13 sma that I have been watching.  

SPX 4-5

Even that MACD that was holding tight is breaking down,  lets see what the Fed can do.

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Stretching It Out

The various sectors of the markets continue to chug along and stretch out, ahead of the FED this week. The Fed Minutes are released Wednesday.  Obviously since the weekend report was posted,  not a whole lot has happened, but lets review our expectations anyway.

. SPX- An idea from the weekend report.  A pullback similar to the OCT -Nov run higher.

SPX 4-1

I captured this chart of the SPX Midday today. Notice...

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Here at Chartfreak,  we have always discussed the day to day market movements,  trade set ups, and the bigger picture where things seem to be heading as time goes by.  So in this weekend report, lets discuss the various sectors of the markets again, short term and the Big Picture scenarios. 


SPX QUARTERLY - If you were subscribing back in January, you may recall this chart.  I was pointing out the break below certain critical areas at prior tops never recovered, and I said we would watch these Quarterly, Monthly and Weekly.