Thursday – Dec 22 – Day After Day

Yesterdays reports called 'Baby Steps' discussed how the markets have been moving slowly along, and how that can eventually lead to a particular outcome.  Well, most areas of the markets continued that slow crawl yesterday. If you read yesterdays report, nothing has really changed in many areas, except for Natgas. Today we will briefly review and discuss a few of these areas again. 


Did the Dow hit 20,000 yet?  It was only 13 points away when I pointed out this chart

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WED Dec 21- Baby Steps

On Tuesday, the markets continued to take some baby steps. Not only did we see The DJIA take more baby steps toward Dow 20,000, but the VIX took baby steps toward the lows of the year.  Add to that Oil, Gold, and the Miners taking baby steps of their own.  Lets take a look and see what direction things seem to be heading in. 


DJIA -  The Dow was only 13 points away from tagging the big round number 20,000.  Since the VIX is below 12, we would usually expect a top to be forming, so the big party may be short lived once the Dow achieves that goal.

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Tuesday Dec 20th

Nothing has really changed since the long weekend report, so lets just review what has happened on Monday.


SPX - We are due for a pullback into a dcl soon, but this looks like a bull flag forming, so one more pop higher could be in order first. A pop now could help the DJIA to reach 20,000 ( And then a drop would be expected).

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