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After our normal market review, I wanted to share some additional thoughts about the Uranium Sector, since it has also been perking up and showing signs of life after a bear market sell off. I don't want this to distract anyone from our current focus and trades, but my pointing out a few things here today allows the readers some time to do a little additional research of their own if they are interested. By the end of this report, you will see why I think this could be worth bringing up.
DJIA - No Dow 20,000 yet. This really doesn't seem to be a true magaphone topping pattern, but it is close. A flat top pattern would be bullish, so I'm watching for a break of either blue line. 
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2017-01-10 12:15:492017-01-10 12:15:49January 10th – Additional ThoughtsThings are pretty much playing out as expected in the markets, and from what I am seeing in the precious metals sector, things are still on track there too. Let's take a closer look at what last weeks action brought us.
DJIA - 19999.63, are you kidding me?
A fraction away from DOW 20,000. I feel that we likely just saw a dcl and I would expect a push to new highs soon, so DOW 20,000 should be accomplished in the near future.
There are, however, a couple of other things that I'm noticing in the general markets too.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2017-01-08 00:10:442017-01-08 00:10:44Weekend Report – Still On TrackFridays report is a preview of what I will be discussing in the weekend report. I want to explain why sometimes traders become victims of getting a little too cute. Let's discuss this a little bit right now...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2017-01-06 13:17:282017-01-06 13:21:48Don’t Get Too Cute
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