Thursday October 19th


SPX - Yesterday in our comments and in other blogs I read where people were saying how this market can't pull back,  nothing can drop it down, people were adding leverage, etc .  That very thing happened at the various 'tops'  before a big drop on other occasions, late in a daily cycle.  Let me show you the DOW & THE NAZ.

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Wednesday October 18


DOW JONES -  No change here, just a bullish run up and off of the 50sma that seems like it'll never end, but they do. We are overdue for a dcl, so trailing stop and we'll see if we get that dip this week. The Dow hit 23,000 for the first time ever.  When it hit 21,000 & 22,000 it dipped within 4 days.

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Oct 17th – No Bull About It

Let's talk about the Miners. We were expecting them to be weak and struggle early on out of the recent dcl.   Monday was interesting...

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