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Today's report will focus strictly on what most were discussing Thursday -
"What is happening in The Precious Metals Market?" Is it party time? We have a lot to look at, and I have over 30 charts to examine on this subject alone, so let's get started...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2019-04-05 11:10:132019-04-05 11:10:13Friday April 5th – Is It Party Time?The markets continue to run straight up. Well, maybe not straight up, but like the Theme picture shows, they have been working their way higher and some sectors are at new recent highs. I want to point out a few things on this run higher, so lets get right into it. We'll start with the Sox...
SOX - Take a look at the purple line and that represents a break out after the SOX briefly lost & regained the 200sma. From there it popped higher and chopped lower, back under the 10sma. Now it has popped to new recent highs again.
That shows that a bullish run is not always an easy one to ride. Now let's take a look at the SPX...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2019-04-04 11:24:162019-04-04 11:33:11April 4th – Straight upNot much changed from yesterdays report, so let's start with a quick review...
SPX - Day 17 and we have a new peak. You could say that these markets are a bit choppy and sideways , but it does continue to climb higher with that action.

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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2019-04-03 11:45:062019-04-03 12:28:10April 3rd- More Of The Same
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