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Dec 2, 2014
The move made by GOLD & SILVER was very bullish in my opinion. Any pullback from here will be monitored, but likely as BUY opportunities. The set up is great because it confirmed what I had been mentioning from Nov 7th, that an ICL (Those meaningful trade-able lows) was in place. We witnessed MANY shake outs each Friday along the way and FRIDAY, ( That 1/2 day light volume day? yeah right) ... SHOOK THE FOUNDATIONS, but the RECOVERY was just as breathtaking if not more so. Lets examine what it means going forward. This was what happened Before the SWISS VOTE on Gold and what happened AFTER the VOTE was "NO".
GOLD - The shake out / Recovery was an explosive bull move.
Gold is currently down $13 as I that concerning? ...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-12-02 19:39:502014-12-04 21:51:08THAT WAS BULLISHNov 25 PART 1 This first part of this report I wrote at Noon time Tuesday.
AUDIO LINK click here / then click 'download' - then click "open" & return here to follow charts when you hear the audio
Follow my thinking on this one : Earlier I discussed the SWISS BANK REFERENDUM and how some may be cautious going into the weekend with that on the table. Anyone who has entered trades in the Gold & Silver markets may be planning on Selling Friday, especially if they didn't buy near the lows and cant take a possible "Gap Down" Monday after the vote. I have pointed out that for the past 3 Fridays People are nervous holding metals positions into the weekend. I see on several Blogs each week, "I am NOT holding Miners into the weekend" and then Friday there is a sell off in GOLD only to see that later it closes GREEN . Interesting .
Could selling this week be "The Final Shake Out / Leave many behind move" before a nice break out higher? Break out? Yes, above the 50sma on $GOLD $GDX $GDXJ
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-11-26 21:44:112014-12-04 22:08:06DID YOU SEE ‘IT’ THIS TIME?Nov 25, 2014 AUDIO HERE
We have a light volume / Holiday shortened trading week in the U.S. Mkts this week , so In todays report I just wanted to point out a few things that are Noteworthy.
BRIEFLY let me just mention that the SWISS Referendum. It is a vote that takes place on Nov 30 deciding 2 things actually. 1. Whether or not the Swiss National Bank should be barred from further selling of their gold reserves. 2. It also would mandate that they need to more than Double current reserves! THIS VOTE takes place .....................SUNDAY. Its important to note because it may influence how you are positioned going into the weekend. I believe the vote could be a "catalyst" for strong POP in Gold Monday or possibly even a sell off into a somewhat early Daily cycle low. If you want my opinion, I think a NO VOTE is expected and so its already baked in. A YES vote would cause a strong rally , because there are bullish implications ( Swiss Bank Cant sell Gold / Swiss Bank must begin buying / Accumulating Gold (they currently hold 8% of assets in Gold and the vote would mandate accumulating and holding at least 20% over time). There is more , but that's enough to know for now. Here is how I am looking at GOLD from day to day.
GOLD Please notice the "NOISE" zone. (Click chart)
It seems that when GOLD drops only $5- $8 , I get emails asking for an update. I am told that accumulation is lightening and this is apparently bearish, etc. Realistically, GOLD cannot stand at 1 price all week, it has to be allowed to rise & fluctuate (likely that could occur until that NOV 30 vote). Please notice this GOLD NOISE ZONE in the chart above . Gold in this area need no update, its acting normally. A break out or break down might need to be addressed.
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-11-25 09:07:482014-12-04 22:08:11Things To Be Aware OfNov 23 Weekend report (Sunday 5 p.m.)
Someone asked me to let them know when I'm comfortable shorting the Gold/Silver market in the next few days, especially since The $USD Popped Friday. I'm glad you asked! While there always may be some 'short term' success in a short position from day to day... I still believe that it will end badly for stubborn shorts in the next few weeks. If you have been reading my reports for the past 2 weeks then you know what my thinking has been. Not only does it remain the same, but I believe we could get an accelerated move upside after a few minor dips in the coming weeks and I would NOT want to be caught in shorts out in those waters. Let me show you why...
Recall that In this Friday Nov 7th report here - ( And the following wkend report) I called the GOLD lows Pre-Market.
( Audio link here : Nov 23 wkend report -
Click the link, click "Download" then click "OPEN" & return here to follow along )
SO 2 weeks later, with those LOWS still in place, I want you to note this $GOLD / $USD CHART last May 2014 :
Once the GOLD lows were in, In MAY the dollar popped and GOLD resisted.
DID you notice that on Friday this week the $USD popped, and $GOLD went up too?
Notice also on the above chart what Going short on a reversal after the lows lead to pain. Also ...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-11-23 18:36:302014-12-04 22:08:16Am I Comfortable In Shorts Here?Nov 21, 2014 Freaky Friday 6:00A.M.
Will they sell Metals off? Will they buy it back? Will Metals break out higher going into the weekend, when less people are likley to BUY & HOLD ? Its hard to know exactly what we will see, but lately Fridays have been exciting in the Metals markets, so I got up at 5 a.m. today to see if the Friday shenanigans that occurred in Gold the past 2 Fridays would return. So far, it seems likely. Well, if you've read my prior reports, then you know what I am looking for at the end of Friday on the weekly charts, so I will just touch on a few things here and then take a look at a couple of other interesting chart developments elsehwere.
First- this is the "SNAPSHOT" I woke up to... whats your first thought?
It looks like another dollar rally coming , and a Gold slam down, but notice this ....
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-11-21 07:35:302014-12-04 21:52:40The Friday Illusion Again?Nov 20,2014 (also known as The Day After )
Well, Never a dull moment of a Fed Day, huh? Some have written and asked if "Lock out" is out of the way now. I would say no. It may be even more of a Lock Out I cannot imagine that this "SHAKEOUT" was bought by many either. We had a shake out below that critical $1179 area and it again recovered. Did any buy? I know 2 of my readers wrote that he / she bought (knowing in advance that a shake out could happen). THAT was brave! I imagine that MORE people grabbed DUST, went short , or bailed out. Some wrote and told me that they were advised to add to DUST by other letter writers. Let me show you how I walk through this roller-coaster ride. did GOLD react? Charts below.
AUDIO LINK click here, click download/ click "OPEN" - return to follow charts
GOLD FOR PERSPECTIVE- The whole story so far
Amazing how "Orderly" that chart looks in Hindsight, isnt it? so...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-11-20 08:57:342014-12-04 21:53:04I TOLD YOU FED MINUTES ARE FUN!Nov 19, Wednesday
Well, Fed minutes, thats always fun! Why? Whatever you see happen this morning may be undone by the close. Or subtle moves may become explosive moves, and I mean in either direction, right? So Today I'm just doing a this report to point out a couple of things of interest. Likely you noticed that We have been discussing Metals and Miners a lot lately. That is because I have wanted to walk you through a day by day bottoming process and show you what I look for. It isnt reassuring to just hear someone say "GO LONG" and you blindly jump in only to get knocked back out. This way we have now already discussed important areas to watch and with the fed minutes we are prepared for any volatility that may follow. I also want to point out a couple of other interesting areas , so lets hit a couple of charts. I will start with reminders to prepare us for Fed Minutes.
To hear AUDIO click here / Then click 'download', then click OPEN . when U hear audio - return to follow the charts here
GOLD NOV 7 - Pre mkt I saw a shake out in real time, so I pointed out an important part of the "Shake Out" was to recover June 2013 lows of $1179 again on a weekly basis, using this chart in the weekend report.
After days of volatility , we see that...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-11-19 09:50:482014-12-04 21:53:29YAY! Its a FED MINUTES DAY!Nov 15, 2014 Weekend Report
I was driving to a formal event today when suddenly I saw what appeared to be a 'sign' on the side of the road, so I pulled over and there we were...3 of us looking pretty bullish ! For my 2 new friends it came naturally, but for me it has been building for over a week. If you recall my article written pre-mkt last Friday (Nov 7), I felt that I had seen a legitimate "SHAKE OUT" in the overnight action and said that I was buying in the pre-market . I also mentioned that confirmation would likely come this week and I outlined briefly what I would be looking for. (If you're new here, you may want to read the articles outlining my expectations. A short one last Friday is here Scary yet Beautiful Or the weekend report Bears get tired too)...
We will now review whether conditions have been met to increase the likely-hood of a Bottom being put in place Friday Nov 7 for GOLD, Wednesday for Miners. ALSO I NEED TO BE CLEAR...A Bottom here would not necessarily mean THE BOTTOM at this point, but certainly weeks of gains. To the Charts!
AUDIO version here click here then click 'download' & 'OPEN' to play
-Then come back & follow the charts
Last Weeks chart - Broke 1.5 yrs support and MOST called for a cascade sell off . To me, likely a SHAKE OUT.
BEARS had MANY reports of a "Break down in Gold & Imminent crash targets" (I know because 5 of my readers emailed me those reports! ) Some were fearful and others concern for my well being...I thank you for that. HOWEVER-
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-11-15 21:46:052014-12-04 21:53:57They Look Really BullishNov 14 - Morning Report
I had a report written by 9:15 A.M. today showing positive signs in the Gold overnight, which were leading me to believe that the "WEEKLY" charts would end with GOLD putting in another weekly reversal candle. The action yesterday in Miners was mentioned in yesterdays report and I said that GDX had broken below its recent uptrend line and would need to recover to be a shake out and not a break down. It has. GDX & GDXJ are both WELL ABOVE their 10sma & Volumes today is strong. So based on all the reports from me for the past week or so- what do you think we are seeing?
Yesterday there was weakness in the Miners & I posted an update report saying that DEC 2013 lows had a momentary flush of the lows and 'possibly' we could see the same, but I still was not expecting a PLUNGE lower to $1000 or $800 (YET) . I have been saying that I expected that we are at lows and would have a nice rally for at least the next few weeks. I will now share a couple of the charts that I had for this mornings report, but Gold & Silver have exploded higher and I will tell you what I think we are seeing here and how you can benefit.
At 9:00 A.M. I was going to point out that GOLD held prior support & Reversed ( That was Bullish) (Click to enlarge)
As I was finishing my report at 9:15, it started to break higher (breaking out?)
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-11-14 12:21:062014-12-04 21:54:21What Were We Expecting? What Are We Seeing?2:45 P.M. Nov 13. (I apologize for the late "Alert" , the auto Email alert system apparently was down when I posted this)
Many have asked that I occasionally show what I watch during the day and post here. I don't want to watch and report on every little wiggle, but there are interesting things to look at . Especially since this mornings report I showed a possible stab at a lower low still fitting the cycle counts & Elliot wave ,etc let me show you quickly what I am watching. it is more bearish for Gold Miners, far GDX and GDXJ do remain above the 10sma on a daily chart (not shown) . So these are the intra-day wiggles that I look at. More charts / less words here so I can post quickly .
GOLD looks fine (so far) ...many shake outs , but regains support areas. (Click to enlarge)
If "MINERS LEAD"..are they holding up ok? They remain above the 10sma so far, BUT...
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Alex - Chart Freak
Alex - Chart Freak2014-11-13 15:15:062014-12-04 21:54:45Nov 13 UPDATE
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