Are The Bears Toast – Or Just Napping?

Weekend Report Nov 9   In my past few reports, I have been pointing out many "Set ups" in Energy / Coal / Uranium stocks & Miners possibly setting up too.  Friday  I posted in my report that I was buying pre-mkt at 6 a.m. in the Gold/Silver sector , and laid out all the reasons why. In this weekend report I want to share further thoughts, observations. At times in my research  I try to think outside the box -  and I even find stuff that blows MY  mind .  I did and want to share that too.  To start....Are the Bears in some sectors taking a nap or losing control?  To the charts!  My reports earlier this week highlighted Opportunities showing double bottoms and other bullish set ups .  This chart was posted for uranium for Example:  They were READY TO BUY   URANIUMS Here it is now URA UPDATE Others mentioned have burst upward and the good news? Similar opportunities are still present, lets review several sectors...   Read More

Its Scary – Yet Its Beautiful

CLOUDS   Nov 7, 2014  7 A.M.  The clouds that you see in the above Pictures are real. If you were standing there watching them drop down, it could be very eerie, scary , and yet at the same time....Beautiful! The Mammatus clouds are very rare, and that's why when you see one dropping down before your eyes in a way that is not is mesmerizing . It can freeze you in your tracks. What does that have to do with GOLD?.... http:click here  Read More

Do Not Be Afraid- Be Alert

November 5 2014  9:40 a.m.    I was NOT going to write today, but when I saw GOLD near $1140 , I knew that it was a Possible final price low target of mine. I did not KNOW or even THINK that it would have to get there, but when I look at charts I always try to get all the possibilities of "Where might this be going?"  $1140 was one weekly target.  Today GOLD hit $1138 and reversed...IS THIS THE LOWS?    OBVIOUSLY -  NO ONE IS SCREAMING "BUY" right now (so it could be ).  When everyone is afraid, the odds are higher.  Take a look with me, and definitely sit on your hands for now....but this is one more thing to look for.  What you are about to see is for paying subscribers only...But since this site is free-WOOOHOOO!    Enjoy and start tracking it. GOLD this morning GOLD NOV 5   The BLOGS are lighting up  "GET SHORT FOR THE FINAL PLUNGE TO $1000!!"      Read More

Early Beginnings

November 4,2014               I posted this weekend that in the extremes that we were seeing in the Metals / Miners sell off, I am actually looking for the "CROWD" to be wrong. I expect that we could see a reversal and just advised that one ought to be on the look out for a possible "Shake out".    To identify one...I start to look for any "Signs Of Life".  I don't get TOOOOOOO  excited over the early beginnings, but I stay alert to the idea that if a big change could happen, maybe some signs of life  could start popping up?   To the charts...  <----------Click link to listen / click 'download' / click "open" - return here and follow along 1.  GOLD was down today,   one "Sign of life"  was  AU   AU   Ok...Lets all Pile into NUGT now & enjoy the ride!!!   Oh wait-  lets not. One sprout  doesnt mean we have a flower garden. Lets look for more signs of life...   Read More


NOV 3 2014     GOLD & MINERS are at the mercy of the Bears.  Since Breaking to new lows, many articles are now pointing out that all support is broken and its a LONG WAY DOWN.  I am now reading that  we are so close to 1000, that a good FLUSH  could cause it to give way to $800.    In my last report I mentioned that I heard something similar in the XLE as it broke to new recent lows and broke support too.  Many wrote that  it could crash down   ( Those alerts / articles  were loudest right before a strong reversal).    AUDIO-  (click the link, click  download , click open and return hereto follow along)   Metals link click here I drew this chart on OCT 10  (Click to enlarge) . Honestly-  I was getting extreme sell off readings and  I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO BREAK SUPPORT,  but it has.  I thought instead that we might get a trade able bounce and then possibly TEST support?       Please use the audio, it saves me time.   HUI 1 WAY So now that Support has been broken, is it a bottomless pit? Lets look closer.     Read More

Where Do I Start?

November 3, 2014    Its hard to know where to start.  As I begin writing (Sunday night ) Gold is testing new lows, The $USD is at new highs,  But I am thinking GOLD may reverse Like ENERGY did!  I really want to keep this simple, but there's nothing simple about the "THINGS" I am seeing, its getting exciting though!  I have so much to say that I have to do the Audio version.    About 98% of the feedback has been that Audio & later Video is the way to go.   Excellent results & feedback, thank you.  I did get a couple of emails saying that for some who do not use computers  much,  they still do not know how to use the audio, and can I still write everything out.   I apologize , but That will not work for this report.  I will try to write 'enough' , but It is going to be too lengthy and it takes me between 3-4 hrs to draw all the charts, upload all the charts, write about the charts, etc. I've already gathered hours of charts to try to explain what I am looking at.    PLEASE- do yourself a favor and follow the instructions on the link and learn to use the audio. It will be a better tool for you too   A QUICK MARKET UPDATE -      and then METALS & ENERGY)  Make sure your volume is turned up  [RIGHT CLICK THIS LINK BELOW open in a new tab-- CLICK "Download" , then click "OPEN".   come back here and follow the charts] $TRAN   FROM OCT 21  (back in the uptrend) $TRAN 2   As election Tuesday approaches,  I pointed out this ....   Read More


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OCT 30   Quick update  ( I apologize- it has been brought to my attention that the 1st audio post did not come out- I HAVE NOW RE recorded it  Sorry for the inconvenience)   Please RIGHT CLICK the link below -select open in a new tab & another tab will open , look for & click  "DOWNLOAD" Then just click "OPEN" - when you hear my voice, return and follow the charts  New Link   right click here   SPX oct 30   GDX ...   Read More

Something Doesnt Fit

OCT 29   FED DAY    Yes, I'll admit it!  1. I saw many charts that are set up rather nicely the DAY of the FED mtg 2. It DOSNT FIT what I usually see on  what is known as  a messy, indecisive & volatile FED DAY 3. But That was a stretch using that title just so I could use this picture of the Trooper Dog.  I just think this pic is great   Starting with the Markets-  SPX    click here - click 'download' then click 'open'  (when you hear audio, return here and follow charts)   SPX RALLY   Read More

Looking Below The Surface

Oct 24,2014        At times, things arent always as they appear on the surface.  You may have to dig a little deeper to find out whats really there. Thats what I am attempting to do in the Precious metals mkts. Yesterday about an hour into trading I was watching Miners break down to new lows. Again the message boards lit up with "New Lows, that means we are going a lot lower" and "Going short here, much lower prices ahead".  For me, something hasn't "Felt" right about that, so I knew that I had to dig deeper and see if I could reconcile the problem that I was having. The problem goes back to a prior report  where I pointed out that I was getting signals for a "Meaningful Low" in Gold (An ICL).  In fact,  since that report, GOLD has been acting correctly, running up to the 50sma and stalled just like MAY LOWS, but the MINERS have NOT been keeping up. NOTICE that GOLD Lows here have been like the TWIN of MAYs Meaningful  LOWS (ICL). So to me...LOWS IN GOLD WERE IN.   AUDIO click here / then click  'download' / click 'open' & then come back to this page when you hear the report to follow the charts   $GOLD   The problem with everyone going short yesterday was what I had noted in other reports too...   Read More