Remain Calm

Have a plan, and stick to it.  If something moves rapidly in the wrong direction, don't get upset and don't panic. Remain as calm as possible, take action if necessary.  These are my rules for walking the Serengeti and Trading.  🙂



Lately Golds lows have been hard for some to hold. "Have a plan and stick to it. If something moves rapidly in the wrong direction, don't get upset and don't panic...."


More on precious metals later


SPX - It will be interesting to see where we are on Dec 15th. This could break down or form a triangle here.

SPX 12-7 Read More

In The Charts

After this weekends report,  I wanted to look at some charts of stocks for buying opportunities. The theme chart above was an older buying opportunity that is now a bit extended. It may pullback and offer another low risk entry, but here are some current opportunities...

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BOOM – Gold and Silver

It's what we at Chartfreak have been expecting, but I think there could be even more to the story  🙂

GLD 12-4b

More later in the report,  lets review all market sectors first...

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U Turns

What a week! The Fed spoke on Wednesday, Thursday we saw Draghi shaking things up, and now on Friday we will have the November jobs report and  The OPEC Leaders will discuss whether or not to cut production. Yesterday we saw some U-Turns in the market place and it's not like they dont have further implications. Lets review.

SPX -  I recently started pointing out weakness in the rise of the markets and the Dollar. These were from Dec 2.

SPX 12-2

USD Dec 2 -  Bearish

USD 12-2 UUP

Now lets see what happened and discuss what the implications going forward might be...

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Keep It Simple Stupid ( K.I.S.S.)

There was a lot of action in the markets today, maybe that was due to the Beige Book and Fed Yellen Speech .  Reminder: DRAGHI speaks Thursday morning and we have a jobs report Friday morning.

 I wanted to just keep It Simple today,  and let the charts do the talking. Lets see what they have to say...


SPX -  Dec 1 - I was pointing out that the chart looked bullish, but as it moved higher the MACD was 'concerning'.

SPX 12-1

SPX - Now both Price and the MACD are concerning. That could be a bearish engulfing, even though the futures are pointing higher as I write.

SPX 12-2

Read on for more...

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Beige Book

Just a reminder that the Fed will be speaking at 12:45

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Leaders And Laggers

I believe that today the Beige book is released and Janet Yellen speaks.  Will that change current conditions in the market? We'll see, but right  now in a sector that sold off to new lows, we are seeing leaders emerge.  We'll discuss that after a brief review of the markets.


SPX - I'm noticing a weak MACD ,but the RSI looks good.  I still think that the markets can break to new highs, but being the 3rd daily cycle I also think that the upside may be capped a bit for now. Notice how the 10sma held the decline.

SPX 12-1 Read More

Did You Short The Gold Break Down?

In my weekend report I warned about a possible false break down in Gold.   I received emails saying that many 'shorted this sucker for the final flush down phase'.  I repeat, Please use & honor your 'stops', I see things differently.   I'll explain after a market review.

The SPX was looking bullish and I expected a break to higher price, but today there are areas that need to be noted and watched.

SPX 11-30

IWM - This also had a semi high volume rejection at the 200sma. That doesn't mean that it is done, but we'll watch to see if the 10sma or another area of support can hold it up.

IWM 11-30

Here is where it gets interesting...

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Light Holiday Trading?

This was possibly going to be a slow week of holiday trading, with Thursdays markets closed in the U.S. and 1/2 day Friday. In some areas we actually saw some noteworthy changes. Lets take  a look at our weeks activities.

SPX - No change from what we expected, but we should see a push higher soon.

SPX 11-27  

This is encouraging ...

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Bullish Changes

Today is Wednesday and the last full day of trading this week for the markets in the U.S.  There were some bullish looking moves yesterday, some expected and another was a little surprising. Lets review. 

SPX -  I expected a little drop, likely to the 10sma, and a BUY opportunity for UPRO, TQQQ, or another long vehicle that you may trade.

SPX 11-24

I posted this chart of UPRO yesterday, using the 10sma as a guide. The 2nd one was at the close.

UPRO 11-23Upro 11-24

That was a perfect "Buy" opportunity, but It could still be bought here if you missed it.

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