Entries by Alex - Chart Freak

Just a little Bear(Ish)

July 22, 2013     I didnt want to scare anyone, so I decided to just show a playful little bear to make my next point, instead of a Full Blown Bear.  If you've been following my thinking, you know that I expected another Leg higher. Using cycles for timing, it should've popped higher or at least should  POP really soon. If not  -  this second leg up may just fail.  So why the little bearishness?  Well, as time goes on and the consolidation continues, we are losing the "strength" that was adding confidence. Notice the following charts...


GOLD is weakening & looks actually tired



I want to see GOLD get above those 2 moving averages overhead & not struggle so much.

What about the Miners?

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UPDATE: Are We Still On Track?

July 20  -   Please read my last report and you'll see how I was viewing things for the Metals and Miners market.  Then the next question is :   "Well, that report was July 17 and things got a little "whippy" since then,  are we still on track?"    The short answer is,  "Yes, so far it was a little whippy, but we are still on track."   As a review, I was expecting Metals and Miners to begin a 2nd leg higher, similar to what we saw at the June 2013 lows ( 2 legs up) and Dec 2013 lows. Using the GDX and the December 2013 run up -  I used this chart (Below) to help us visualize what the move could look like.  Now I want to just do a quick update .




   Look again at my last report and I said that  If the Miners gap down Friday, you may want to add a position in one of your favorite miners, because they may reverse & start upward.  Well, Friday the miners DID gap down and stayed down almost all day, finally beginning to recover into the close with a reversal.   That was  (To me)  important because...

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Looking For Follow Through

July 17    Yes, I am looking for follow through, but it may NOT be immediate.  IN my last report I showed how GDX had a HUGE     Buy On Weakness (B.O.W.) number - That big of a number usually shows the 'sell off' could turn up shortly.  It is Not a perfect timing tool, but those HUGE numbers usually indicate a change could happen shortly.   Well, Today Gold / Miners  did what I was again looking for (See last report),  but GDX also had a Large  Sell On Strength ( S.O.S.) Number today.  I'm thinking that  We may dip into OPEX tomorrow, so I'll be watching how that  possible dip "looks", and see if we DO get some follow through later that day or Next week.


Lets review some charts...  First- I Mentioned that I think some people think that these 2 "PEAKS" are similar & thus a strong sell off was expected.    Note the Triangle, POP & DROP.




I want to point out the difference between  "Peaks" 1 & 2,  which is why I am expecting a run Higher & not a similar sell off.  Notice what I am seeing "time-wise on the following chart ....


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Break Down Again or Shake Out?

July 16, 2014      ARE WE SEEING A POSSIBLE SHAKE OUT FORMING & NOT THE START OF ANOTHER DEEP SELL OFF?  I am not a perma bull, so when market conditions change, one definitely needs to be able to react quickly, honor stops, and make the necessary adjustments  to save capital.  One thing that I do NOT advocate however, is flip long, then short , then long, then short whenever the markets change directions.  Some may do that successfully but most do not.  I have done that in the past  and have found that making money that way (Esp in whip-saw type conditions) is not easy.  Fear of "Missing the Move" can cause one to jump in & out like that, but In fact, It actually can rob you of good money in "whippy" markets - ESPECIALLY LEVERAGED POSITIONS. One doesnt ALWAYS need to be "In" and I have found that the best thing (For me) to do is examine possibilities and then watch for a trade-able trend to develop. With that in mind, lets examine the whippy Metals & Miners here-



GOLD july 15 bullhorn

A bounce would be nice, because there are technical reasons to not like what we see if we are Bullish...

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JULY 10  I have been discussing & waiting for the next leg up in Metals & MIners.  Most who follow me on Twitter know that,  just like in late MAY when I was expecting the "Meaningfiul Lows" to be followed by a Great Rally,  I have been looking for 'Low Risk Entries' or  'BUY POINTS'   during the recent consolidation - to get positioned for the next leg up.   Yes, It is starting now.   If you didnt take your position during the long consolidation  (Well, it felt like a year, but I think it only lasted about 12 trading days) and wish that you had, I am going to show some charts for "shopping".    To start though, lets review where we are....


I TWEETED this on JULY 7, the well know BULLISH CUP & HANDLE



These usually break out if conditions are right. Conditions definitely looked right.  In Fact ,  Bullish conditions have been pointed out here since the End of MAY. By looking at some successful bullish  charts,  we can also get some clues as to which Miners might be "set up" properly right now...


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Eventually it’ll get tired, but for now…

JULY 3 ....    Part 2  Some of the set ups from Part one (Open this report & scroll down for Part 1 July 1) I still see as valid like GOGO, TEAR, and a few others. Others, like the 3D stocks, burst higher & now one can watch for an entry as they 'test' break outs. NOTE:  If Markets head into a "Correction" - these Tests can fail.  If the Markets remain healthy- Could be buying opportunity.

To start:  A few more charts of possible Trade Ideas & a quick  "lesson".   As I write & Chart (7:00 A.M. EST) Silver & GOLD are dropping fast. I see Silver like this...no worries yet-




This next chart shows that a correction is healthy & GOLD is still fine too...


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June 30,2014   These are just a couple of charts to update how I am watching things unfold in the MINERS. We had our first run up, which I believe is just the first leg up. A consolidation has begun, as did in the DEC run up.  Is it finished?    Maybe, Maybe not, but if I'm going to establish a position in your favorite Miners (As a core) or trade , I don't want to wait until I have to chase.... you want to try to find low risk entries using charts.  Risk / reward is better at Support areas, certain Moving averages,  and even a break out of a consolidation one can enter a low risk entry....and then keep our eyes on it to exit if it turns against us.



With that in mind...I was watching GDX, GDXJ  for clues , and JNUG for an entry . GDX does have lightish volume today, but is that uncommon before it approaches a break out area? Notice the 1 hr chart. (Click charts to enlarge)


GDX 1 hr


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It’s Better Than It Appears

June 26, 2014     As I start writing this at 8 a.m. EST, Gold has dropped to $1305  - This is what I'm hearing now ,  "Horrible GDP numbers and Gold dropped? Man that's weak!"  or   "War in Iraq, unrest in the Ukraine, Why is Gold Dropping? Time to go short people!!"   I'm just here to say that, like that picture above, everything you see isn't what it appears to be unless viewed in the right light. This GOLD DIP was expected. The lows in June 2013, Dec 2013, and May 2014 were expected.  So WHAT is expected with this current dip? Time to short? Or buy the dip?   -Charts-


Gold on June 20 - I pointed out 2 possible targets of support (this WAS in my last report, the pullback WAS expected)



But again, Go short or buy the dips? ...

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Ripples In The Pool

June 23, 2014    When you look at various movements in Nature, it is amazing (and educational) to see how things move. Fibonacci still intrigues me to no end and the Ebb and Flow of liquids can be powerful and yet graceful  at the same time.  Its the same with the Stockmarket when certain areas surge forward. Sometimes what looks like Big Splashes can be just Ripples in the Pool , one of many repeating waves of movement.

While I had planned on writing about Gold/Silver stocks, I want to address the recent movement in the Miners , since I received a couple of private emails with people concerned that the move is only' short covering' and just too steep. It appears to be unsustainable and will it crash soon?  So readers wonder 'Should I enter?'  'Will it pullback?' and so on.   I'm not sure if anyone knows those answers, but  I ALWAYS look to the markets to find clues.   Lets start with SILVER/SLV.  First thing we see is...The DREADED GAPS! Wait to buy the gap fill?




Is it possible that the GAP wont fill now?  It is...

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June 20, 2014     Well,  I have been mentioning in MAY that I was expecting a "MEANINGFUL LOW"  (an ICL in cycle terms) in GOLD SILVER & the MINERS.   As expected, what an explosive move since I last wrote!  GDXJ has been amazing and some of the MIners stocks have been extremely strong and profitable.  I have been using Twitter to tweet thoughts daily while this website was being worked on a little  ( Does it look a little cleaner, faster, stronger?  The guys have done well   ) I just want to show a few things that I am looking at briefly- and then I will do a full report this weekend.


First, As posted in my last Gold reports, I always look at many things as we move forward to gauge where we MAY be going. I was watching this behind the scenes to give me an Idea of what MIGHT happen  as GOLD attempted a "Test" of June 2013 & DEC 2013 lows. I thought to myself..."THIS could be a "Double Bottom" June & Dec 2013 -  OR -  are we about to see a "Triple Bottom Low" Test? What might I watch for?"  I found this and compared as we dipped down.


3 yr chart then double bottom


Those Meaningful Lows are IN. Gold played it cool, but the MINERS were screaming , "GET READY" since they usually lead. My weekend report will cover a few ideas moving forward, but for now there are a few quick things to observe.

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