Entries by Alex - Chart Freak

Weekend Report – Still On Track

Things are pretty much playing out as expected in the markets, and from what I am seeing in the precious metals sector, things are still on track there too. Let's take a closer look at what last weeks action brought us.


DJIA -  19999.63, are you kidding me?  🙂  A fraction away from DOW 20,000.  I feel that we likely just saw a dcl and I would expect a push to new highs soon, so DOW 20,000 should be accomplished in the near future.

There are, however, a couple of other things that I'm noticing in the general markets too.

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Ready To Run

Todays report is simply to discuss stocks that look ready to run. Tuesday, while looking at the S&P 500, we saw a reversal. We also saw a reversal in many of the stocks that I had been eyeing, so let's take a look at the the markets and some of those stocks.


This was from yesterdays report.  It was bullish overall, because we were locking in a right translated daily cycle, but I was also expecting a dip into the daily cycle low. In the weekend report, I pointed out the 50sma as a possible target for that drop.


SPX - On Wednesday we saw follow through on the reversal.  I do not know for sure if that was the dcl, but these markets look set to go higher.

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Looks Inviting

There are areas of the markets that are looking quite inviting, so lets review the first day of trading in 2017 and see what we can find.


SPX - From the weekend report, I expected a bit more of a drop.

SPX - Good volume on the reversal, this could continue higher.

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This is a BONUS report, but please know in advance that this report is not being written to encourage all of my readers to invest in this area. It involves what could be considered higher risk trading, so while I welcome everyone to read it through, please know who you are as a trader / investor and do not take unnecessary risk. Look at that Theme picture again.  If that is not you, then please proceed with caution. 🙂

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Wednesday December 28th – 20,000


 All eyes on Dow 20,000. It was close, but we didn't quite get there yet.


DJIA - I'm expecting a drop into a dcl, but the question remains, "Will we see Dow 20,000 before 2017?" It is possible, but then I think the markets experience that pull back..  Dow 19980.24 was the high Tuesday.

We do have a right translated daily cycle, so I would expect Dow 20,000 sooner or later.

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We have one shortened week left in the trading year, and it could be a light volume week at that.  Lets review what happened last week and see where we could be heading from here.


SPX - Though this looks like a bull flag, it also now looks ready to dip down into a dcl. The red line is the 50sma, near 2188, and would be a normal downside target. The Vix dropped very low last week, and a pull back is due.

SPX WKLY - The blue line is the 10ma on a weekly basis, at 2188. Again, a possible target for a normal healthy pull back.

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Dec 23 – Stock Picking

No doubt you've seen someone in the produce section or even out in a field picking apples, strawberries, or some other food product.  They usually wont just grab the first one that they see, but instead they will compare one piece of the fruit side by side with another piece of fruit. They are looking to see which one looks healthier, or possibly which one might be flawed, so that they can choose the one that is best for them or their family.

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