Not Much Has Changed Here

Monday didn't bring a whole lot of change since the weekend report, but there are  few interesting things to discuss.


DJIA - The general markets continue the chop, and as they become oversold, the 50sma continues to rise under price as possible support.

DJIA 8-29 Read More

August 28 – Weekend Report

It was a week of activity capped off with some Jackson Hole volatility. Lets take a look...


SPX - 2 months of sideways should produce a strong trending move. A dcl could shake traders out first.

SPX 8-27

SPX WKLY - The weekly shows that we are on week 8 out of the recent lows. The prior move did top on week 10 and dip for weeks before surging and making new highs on week 17, so these markets can be tricky, even when bullishly set up.

SPX WKLY 8-27 Read More


Welcome to Jackson Hole Friday, please make yourself comfortable, we may experience some volatility.  🙂


DJIA - I still think that we should get some downside, as we are expecting a dcl.

DJIA 8-25 Read More