May 5th – Fed Changes

As the Fed Decision approaches, it is expected to be a non-event when it comes to an  interest rate hike. It does appear that some sectors are lined up for some changes, however.  Let's discuss why.

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Tuesday May 2nd

I wasn't really expecting a whole lot of change in the various markets sectors on Monday, Tuesday, and even Wednesday morning, but we do have the FOMC Decision at 2 p.m.  Wednesday afternoon, and that may cause some 'changes'. Let's discuss the precious metals markets.


GOLD - We've been waiting for and expecting this drop, so that is nothing new. The stochastics isn't even oversold, so selling can continue Tuesday & Wednesday too.

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“Where Have You Been?”

I received a couple of emails recently from the public readers ( one was an old friend, Thanks Bob C. !) , either asking where have I been when it comes to my public posts, or asking me to review what I have been seeing lately. I've been very busy this spring with the premium reports and a private chat area that we have in there, plus other outdoor activities and responsibilities that I care for every spring, but as for a review? I  would be happy to do that. 🙂


The General Markets became choppy in March and I was expecting a drop into a daily cycle low. I estimated that the 50sma would be a good target.

For over a month things were choppy and difficult to trade really, until we got a directional break. The drop was not as sharp as I had imagined,  so some of the trades that I was taking were working out, but others lacked follow through, got choppy,  and stopped me out.  I admit that this was choppy and a difficult environment to trade in.


From April 25 - Currently we see a pattern of consolidation and then moves higher ( With pullbacks along the way).  We do have a FOMC MTG this week, and there is a chance that that may cause the markets to dip into a low

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